Individuals or nations who have felt that the war left a beaten and humbled Germany must have received a shock up on learning the manner in which the German people celebrated the semi-centennial of the proclamation of the Empire. Far from following the cautious policy naturally to be expected in defeat, the Germans practically united in a glorification of the old regime,--a glorification which consisted mainly in demanding the creation of a greater Germany extending far-beyond the 1914 frontiers, the establishment of a solid empire under a Hohenzollern Kaiser, and a return to the never-forgotten leadership of Bismarckian ideals The collapse of the latter-day monarchy was skillfully relegated to oblivion, and the pride and strength of Prussian domination enthusiastically proclaimed.
It would seem that, despite assertions to the contrary, the Germans are not yet in the mood to eat "humble-pie"; the victories of a half-century are not easily overcome by four years of technical defeat. Germany came out of the war practically unscathed, except in man-power; she was not crushed, but checked for a time in her headlong career. Even the 'rebellion," and the setting up of a Republic can at the last avail little against the popularity of the "blood and iron" theory as vindicated by Bismarck in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles.
After such a demonstration as was staged yesterday, it would be folly of the worst kind to assume that it is safe for the rest of the world to let Germany proceed once more on her course unwatched and unrestrained. Nor is this last act the solitary outburst of a dying fire; it is the culmination of a long series of events which have marked but too well the fact that the embers of the Empire have merely been banked for a time, and are ready to flame up again at the proper moment. Germany in her present condition is a menace which must not be disregarded.
France realizes this, as is shown by the fall of the Leygues ministry, she has suffered before, and puts her faith not in promises. England and America should by this time be ready to do the same. Only when Germany has carried out the conditions of the Peace Treaty, cut down the size of her police squadron and "civil guards," paid her indemnity, ceased to clamor for the days of Kaiserism, and actually settled down to become a peaceful productive agent in the markets of the world,--only, then will it be possible to put faith in the re-creation of the Teuton mind.
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