The returns of the Hoover drive so far have been encouraging, especially in view of the fact that it is expected that the bulk of the returns will be handed in tomorrow evening, when all dormitory chairmen will report to the drive head-quarters in the Crimson building between 7 and 8 o'clock. It is especially important that all the chairmen should report at this time.
At this meeting reports will be handed in by the chairmen, covering the number of men in the dormitory, the number solicited, and the number who have subscribed, as well as the amount collected.
In order to reach men not living in the dormitories, an organization has been arranged in the graduate schools, under the direction of C. D. Kepner, Jr., 2Dv., and C. N. Schmaiz, 2G.B. The area about Cambridge occupied by the graduate students has been divided into small districts, each of which is in charge of a local solicitor.
To Reach All Students
Although managed by men of the Graduate Schools, this campaign will reach men of all classifications in the University who live outside the dormitories.
All authorized solicitors in the Graduate Schools drive will have signed statements of their authority and will receipt for all funds taken.
In spite of the thoroughness with which the University is being canvassed, there is still a large number of isolated men whom it is virtually impossible to reach. Any of these men who desire to contribute should bring their subscriptions either to Phillips Brooks House between 5 and 9 P. M. or to the Crimson Building between 7 and 8 P. M.
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