

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

It is a most unfortunate time for our attention to be called to the suffering in the Orient and the danger of an impending loss of fifteen million lives there through starvation.

I say unfortunate for at this hour our attention is engrossed in the raising of funds for Mr. Hoover's great undertaking.

It is relatively impossible to ask the student body of Harvard to contribute en masse for Far East relief. Realizing the difficulty of many of the men here in financial stringency, such action on top of the Hoover Relief would meet with small response.

To those men, however, who can afford such philanthropy--and to those who are willing to sacrifice an evening's pleasure for the life of fellow men so unhappily situated--let these men remember that the lives of the suffering hordes in Western China must be saved. The money must be raised and sent immediately to forestall such a catastrophe. It is up to Harvard men to take part, and take an active part, in this great cause.


In the concatenation of events following the war it has been impressed vividly upon us all, that our future policy must take into consideration all nations--that we cannot successfully exist at peace with ourselves and exclude the sufferings of other nations by extrinsically ignoring them.

In our country of exuberance we must take consideration of others. China we have helped and protected before it is up to us again. Her plea must and will be answered, and let all Harvard men join once more in answering "Yes, your suffering will be alleviated."

The words of Mohammed may here fittingly be recalled:

"Hast thou considered him who calls the judgment a lie?

He it is who pushes the orphan away; and urges not others to feed the poor.

But woe to whose who pray and who are careless in their prayers,

Who pretend and withhold necessaries." M. MARC UNC.

January 12, 1921.
