The Freshman Spring Track schedule, subject to the approval of the Athletic Committee, was announced yesterday by the University Manager, D. Merwin '21. On February 19th a triangular meet will be held with Newton and Worcester Tech. In the Dartmouth-Cornell-Harvard meet on February 26, the Freshmen will be entered in two events, a 1560-yard relay race and the 40-yard dash. In the annual winter carnival late in February, there will be Freshman entries, and also in the Invitation Meet, which will be held either the 5th or 12th of March. On April 30 there will probably be a meet with Andover. On May 7 the Freshmen will meet Exeter, on May 14 the Yale Freshmen, and on May 21 the Princeton freshmen; other meets are pending. The annual Harvard Interscholastic Invitation Meet will be held on either May 14 or May 21, depending on whether the Yale or Princeton meet is held at Cambridge.
It was also announced yesterday that the University track team will be represented at the Guaranty Club athletic games by a four-man relay team. The games will be held February 19th at the Madison Square Gardens in New York City and teams from Yale, Princeton and Cornell will compete with the University.
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