

Natators From M. I. T., Riverside, B. U., Waltham and Brookline in Open Meet Tonight

Members of the Freshman and University swimming teams will enter an open meet to be held by the Brookline Swimming Club at the Brookline Public Baths tonight. Teams from M. I. T., B. U., Riverside, Waltham and Brookline Swimming Clubs are included in the list of entries. The Freshman relay team, made up of the following men: F. T. Potter, F. P. Delafield, P. Cummings, C. J. Heldman or M. H. Harris, will have its first competition. The University relay team will be composed of Captain A. B. Brackett ocC., W. F. Wyman '23. R. D. Gross '23 and R. F. Thayer '23 or L. Bittenberg '2L. Captain Brackett has also entered the 100-yard dash, open handicap.

This meet will afford excellent practice in preparation for the dual meet with Brown in the Boston Y. M. C. A. tank next Saturday. The University relay team will have the same make up as tonight. Other entries are as follows: 50-yard dash. Captain Brackett, Wyman or Thayer; 100-yard dash, Brackett, Wyman: 220-yard dash. Douglass, Gross: dive, Hoyden, Doherty; Plunge, Thomas, Reuben or Saxlon.
