
Weeks Wins Advocate Essay Prize

Edward Augustus Weeks '22, of Elizabeth, N. J., has been awarded the prize of $25 for the best story submitted in the Advocate's second annual prize story competition, which closed shortly before the Christmas vacation. Weeks' story is entitled "Ink," and will appear in the next issue of the Advocate. The judges, Dean L. B. R. Briggs '75, "Holworthy Hall," alias Harold E. Porter '09, and Arthur Stanwood Pier '95, also selected the stories, "Jehan," by Oliver Lefarge '24 of New York City; and "Angelo," by Sherman Skinner Rogers '22, of Santa Barbara, Cal., fon honorable mention.

Manuscripts for the prize essay competition for a similar award must be submitted by March 2. They may be on any subject, but preferably on some undergraduate topic of current interest.

The Advocate business competition opened yesterday. However, as only a few men reported, additional Sophomores are urged to report at the Advocate House as soon as possible.
