In the third of a series of practice games, the University basketball five nosed out the Freshman 35-33 yesterday afternoon in the Hemenway Gymnasium. The University men did much better than against Worcester, their passes being fast and accurate and their defense well-organized. Fitts made the first score for the victors before the ball had been in plan more than a minute, but Stevens evened up the score soon afterwards. At the end of the first half Coach Wachter's men led 18-13, keeping the play well up in their opponents' territory. For a part of the last half the Freshmen spurted, throwing a volley of baskets from all parts of the floor, but towards the end the regulars tied the score and shot the winning basket in the last second of play. Gordon led the scoring, sinking six baskets and making 7 out of 8 free throws. Tyson and Fitts were responsible for most of the University's points, and Tolbert's guarding kept the Freshmen shooting from the middle of the floor. Between the halves the second teams lined up for a short scrimmage in which the Freshmen seconds led 8-5. The summary: Baskets from floor: Tyson (6), Gordon (6), Fitts (4), Tolbert (3), Stevens (3), Feiring (2), Black (2), Sipp (2), McLeish (1), Free throws: Gordon (7), Fitts (3), Free throws missed: Fitts (6), Gordon (1). Referee, Walters.
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