Twenty-five candidates for the University soccer team reported to Coach Burgess yesterday afternoon. After a short preliminary talk by the coach in the Locker Building, the men were put through limbering up practice on the field.
Seven members of the 1919 University team were among those who reported. The letter men who came out are: F. Beldler '21, W. L. Cummings '21, G. E. Darling '22, C. W. Heath '22, Captain C. E. Masters '21, J. M. Phillips '22 and C. P. Smith '21. There is still ample opportunity for men who have not yet reported. Anyone desirous of trying out for the team should report this afternoon at 3 o'clock.
More candidates for the positions of Second Assistant Manager and Freshman Manager are wanted. The successful Sophomore becomes manager in his Senior year, while the Freshman manager receives his insignia. Candidates should report at the Locker Building with the squad.
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