The chief purpose of a scholarship is to enable students of limited means to obtain a college education. For this reason, the Price Greenleaf aid requires that recipients declare that without it it would be imposible for them to attend college. It is obvious that for the greatest good of all the majority of scholarships should be awarded on this basis.
The student, however, whose family can afford to send him through college at the minimum cost by the strictest economy, if not by privation on their own part, has a problem to solve which the ordinary scholarship does not help. He would like to relieve his family of much of the burden that he is causing them. Yet he does not feel justified in applying for the usual scholarship because he may be depriving some one less fortunate than he of the privilege of coming to college at all.
For Freshmen in such a plight, the new scholarships offered by the Union are particularly valuable. In the first place, as there are no financial restrictions, he need feel no compunctions in accepting. And, secondly, he may receive the money which he must otherwise have earned elsewhere, without sacrificing any of the time he should give to studies and participation in college activities. For one of the wisest provisions of the new awards is that the committee making the donation shall take into account the contributions by candidates to the life and affairs of the college. The prizes, in fine, are calculated to enable Freshmen to make the most of their new opportunities here at Cambridge and at the same time to relieve them in part from their financial worries.
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