
A Move for Fair Play


To the Editors of the Crimson:

Frequently at football games incidents happen similar to the incident in the last half of Saturday's game, where some player does a thing which if seen by the officials would call for a penalty, and which is seen by large numbers of the audience as evidenced by their audible protest.

Now if there were, say, three officials on each side, sitting at different places in the crowd, it would have two very desirable effects:

1. Much brutal and unfair play would be prevented.

2. All that did take place and could be seen by the crowd but not by the officials in the field would be properly penalized.


The present rules and the increase in the number of officials have brought a big gain in the cleanness of the game, and I believe to have this suggestion put into effect would make a very real further gain. DELCEVARE KING. September 27.
