


Thursday evening at 7 o'clock Sophomores and Juniors intending to enter the fall competitions of the CRIMSON must report at the Crimson Building, 14 Plympton street. Three distinct competitions will start at this time, that for the news end which is open only to Sophomores, the editorial department for which only Juniors may compete, and that for the photographic end, open only to 1923. At this first meeting the work required of the contestants will be explained by the heads of the various departments.

News Competition on Point Basis

The news competition, which lasts until shortly after the Christmas holidays, is interesting and instructive work. A valuable experience is gained along reportorial lines through the covering of assigned news concerning the University, the gathering of "scoops" on unassigned work and the interviewing of prominent men on subjects of interest to the College.

Men also have a chance to learn something of the mechanical end of publishing a newspaper, that is, proofreading, linotyping, make-up and press work. The competition is carried on by a strictly point basis, so much being given for the space of assigned stories printed and double that amount for "scoop" work.

"Night Work" Once a Week


For work done by candidates, such as that done when assigned as "night men," work in the press room which is required of each man about once a week, men are given extra credit.

After men are taken on the board they may work up to the position of managing editor and president through a series of competitions.

Election to the editorial board is based on the number and quality of the editorials printed. This competition also lasts about three months, including Christmas vacation.

The excellent dark room equipment of the photographic end and the bi-weekly sepia supplement of the CRIMSON, together with the new photo service bureau just established affords men interested in this work a splendid opportunity. General photographic ability coupled with the work done and the interest shown determine the election of men to this department.
