The success or failure of the season will denend very, very largely upon the undergraduate body. If there is a continuation of the atreolous indifference of this spring, failure is practically a certainty. We can only win if there are some red-blooded he-men around Cambridge who can parallel the group who wouldn't accept anything but vicoty from 1912 to 1915. There is a lot more satisfaction in celebrating a victory than in hunting up an alibi for a defeat.
In these calsic words, Jimmy Knox summed up last spring the prospects for the 1920 football season. His opinion, that since the war Harvard undergraduates have not shown the same unfaltering support to the Crimson teams that was given before the war, seems to be the unanimous belief of close followers of Harvard sport, from "Mike" to Percy Haughton.
With a hard schedule this fall, the need for support, the kind of support which "will accept nothing but victory", is imperative. There must be no repectition of the sparsely attended Princeton game rally last fall, when Wally Trumbull expressed so cloquently his opinion on the undergraduate attitude. It will take a lot more spirit than has been shown in Cambridge since the war to drive the eleven through it stiff early season games to victory over Princeton and Yale, and to efface the sting of Jimmy Knox's "atrocious indifference".
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