
Foreign Students Meet Tonight

At the reception for foreign students to be held in the parlor of the Philips Brooks House at 7 this evening, plans for the new Foreign Student Committee which has just been organized will be explained.

The committee, made up of Faculty members and interested students, under the chairmanship of Matthew Luce '91. Regent of the University, has for its object the aiding of foreign students in the selection of their studies.

For the present, the principal duties of the Faculty members of the committee will consist of advising foreign students in the selection of their courses tomorrow. Throughout the year they will continue to aet as advisors, and from time to time hold receptions at their homes for their advisees.

The duties of the student members of the committee will be to supplement the professors' work by helping the foreign students to become squequained with their new environment.

The committee is particularly anxious that all foreign students be present at the meeting tonight.
