
Brickley Rises in Financial World

The New York Stock exchange will hereafter be the gridiron for Harvard's great football player--Charles E. Brickley '15. The "hero of the big too" who kicked himself into football immortality, recently formed the stock exchange house of Charles E. Brickley & Company.

Associated with the famous drop-kiecker are Warren Ackerman, J. Russell Butler, newpeh of J.P. Butle, the chain grocery magnate, and M.J. McGlinn of Philadelphia, aprominent recquet player of New York.

Brickley, the Broker, says he'll hit the line" in Wall street with the same viger as Brickley, of Harvard helped to upset, Yale for three years. Brickley is spending some time this fall drilling Coach. O'Neill's kickers in the Columbia squad, and hopes to return here to put in some coaching before the end of the season.
