There will be a number of distinguished additions to the University teaching staff of 800 men when the University opens its gates next Monday.
William MacDougall, the Oxford psychologist, whose "Body and Mind" and "The Group Mind" are well known wherever men study his subject, and who did unusual work among nervous cases during the war, has arrived at Harvard, and on Monday will take up his duties as Professor of Psychology. Until recently Professor MacDougall was a Fellow of Corpus Christi College at Oxford.
Two of the new professors are former members of the Yale faculty. Wilbur C. Abbott comes from the Shefileld Scientific School to teach History at Harvard. He will give courses in Modern English History, the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Era, taking over much of the work of the late Professor R. M. Johnston and of Mr. Harold J. Laski, who has left Harvard to become a full professor at the University of London. The other Yale addition to the Harvard staff is A. Kingsley Porter, the leading American authority on Mediaeval Architecture, who is to be Professor of Fine Arts, spending most of his time in research. Two noted men whose careers have hitherto centered in Boston are to occupy positions at Harvard. Dr. Richard C. Cabot '89 is to spend half of his time as Professor of Social Ethics, giving a course on "Human Relations," and another on "The Kingdom of Evils." Henry Penny-packer '88, formerly headmaster of the Boston Latin School, is already at his desk as chairman of the Harvard Committee on Admission.
Two Professors From Wisconsin
John G. Callan and Durward E. Burchell, both formerly of the University of Wisconsin, have become respectively Professor of Industrial Management and Professor of Industrial Accounting in the Business School. Morton C. Campbell, Law '00, recently of the University of Indiana, joins the Harvard Law School staff as a full professor. From Cornell comes Allyn A. Young to be Professor of Economics; from California comes C. I. Lewis '06, to lecture in Philosophy; while among the other distinguished names is that of F. A. Vanderlip, the well-known New York banker, who is to serve this year as a lecturer in the Business School.
President Lowell has arrived home from Europe, where honorary degrees were bestowed upon him by the universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Leyden.
Among the professors who will be absent all or part of the year are R. F. A. Hoernle, who has resigned to teach at Durham University, England; A. B. Hart '80, who has been sent as an exchange professor to France; George II. Parker '87. and Edward W. Forbes '95, who are to be exchange professors to Western colleges; Arthur Pope '01, who is in Europe on the Sachs Travelling Fellowship: Bliss Perry, who has been granted a year's leave of absence.
The new salary scale, perhaps the highest in any university in the United States, which was adopted as a result of the Harvard Endowment Fund campaign, is now in effect.
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