


During the summer the Endowment Fund received contributions amounting to nearly $200,000. The greater part of this amount was given to the fund by Mrs. A. Hamilton Rice of Newport, R. I., on behalf of herself, her son and her daughter, who promised a gift of $50,000 from each person, or a total of $150,000. This fund is to be credited to the Endowment Fund, but is to be held apart as a special fund, the income of which is to be devoted to the maintenance of the College Library, the building of which was presented by Mrs. Rice to the College. The fund is given in memory of her son, Harry Elkins Widener '07.

Other contributions from graduates throughout the 68 canvassing districts brought the vacation subscriptions to $192,562. During the summer the number of graduates enrolled has increased to 17,808, or 52 percent of the total number in existence, and the fund itself now amounts to $12,354,788, or 81 percent of the desired total of $15,250,000.

The most active canvassing district is that of Western New York, under the leadership of Evan S. Hollister '97, where 85 percent of the resident graduates are enrolled.

The district of Hawaii has not only completed its enrollment of every resident, but the committee secured eight subscriptions from non-Harvard men, so that the district is rated at 113 percent and leads the field.
