Nearly 6000 students will register next Monday when the University opens its 28th year, according to the best estimate available at this date.
While the College Office is unwilling to make and definite predictions concerning the enrollment, there is little doubt that it will be among the largest on record. The demand for rooms has been the keenest in the history of the University. The indications are that there will be a considerable increase in the size of the Freshman class. An increase is also expected in the number of men transferring to Harvard from other colleges. Some 360 men are expected to make this transfer, after a year or more in other institutions, and to sign up next Monday as inclassified students. The enrollment for Harvard College as a whole will touch a record figure unless all signs fail.
Business School Facilities Crowded
In the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, word has gone out that it will probably be necessary to restrict the size of the entering class in order to prevent a lowering of the educational standards of the school. The facilities of the Business School are bound to be taxed to the utmost this year anyway. Many recitations will have to be held in the basement of the various college buildings because there is no room for them elsewhere. Some 400 men are expected to seek admission to the Business School, and this will make the total enrollment something like 600. If it goes far over this figure, the officials of the Business School say that it would be difficult to carry on adequate instruction. In such a case they would find it necessary to limit attendance, as the Harvard Medical School has done for some time.
At the Law School a large registration is expected, and the only question is whether last year's record of 879 will be broken.
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