
Class Day Notice

The Yellow Class Day application blanks now placed in the stores about the square are good only until Saturday, June 12th, at noon. The undergraduates of the College must call at the Coop Main Store some time this week to get their free Yard and Stadium marching ticket. This opportunity closes Saturday. After this time undergraduates will not be entitled to the free tickets. Sales to graduates and undergraduates will be held at the Lodge '77 Gate on the afternoon of June 21st and all day on Class Day, June 22d.

All men wishing to exchange or return undesired Class Day tickets must turn their tickets in at Holworthy 8 on Thursday afternoon, June 10th, from 2 to 4, or on Friday afternoon, June 11th, from 2 to 3. Tickets will not be redeemed at any other time. Tickets will be redeemed only at the following rates: Sanders, 90 cents; Stadium, 65 cents; Memorial, 75 cents; Yard, 40 cents.

The Class Day Committee holds daily office hours except on Saturdays at Holworthy 8 from 2 to 3 P. M.
