

May Canvass Shows Noteworthy Increase In Several Districts--Total Gain Small

Reranking of the districts in the Harvary Endowment Fund Campaign as the result of the May canvass showed important changes, especially in the western New York, Plymouth, New Jersey, eastern Washington, Louisiana, northern Ohio, eastern Essex County, Oregon, Wyoming and the Maritime Provinces. Nearly $50,000 was added to the fund, although the actual gain for the month was comparatively small owing to the drastic reduction caused by the discovery of a number of duplications.

The following list ranks the districts according to the percentage of enrollment: Hawail,  $20,924  100.0 New York, west,  158,197  83.9 Wisconsin,  98,295  80.1 Boston,  4,613,455  72.5 New Bedford,  44,119  70.9 Bristol County,  92,837  70.0 New York city,  4,099,332  68.0 Lynn,  31,405  65.1 Rhode Island,  102,104  60.2 Delaware,  236,440  58.9 Fitchburg,  58,145  57.9 Berkshire County,  57,368  57.4 Maryland,  72,917  54.3 Plymouth County,  27,133  54.1 Porto Rico,  3,640  52.6 Washington, east,  8,232  50.9 New Jersey,  90,314  49.4 Connecticut,  73,969  47.6 Pennsylvania, west,  135,728  46.8 Louisiana,  16,615  45.0 New York, east,  73,728  44.5 District of Columbia,  112,304  43.0 Worcester County,  78,150  42.6 Northwestern,  68,196  42.5 Michigan, north,  12,975  42.4 Ohio, north,  143,565  40.9 Illinois,  447,876  40.4 Utah,  5,421  38.8 Virginia,  9,723  38.3 Nebraska,  12,049  37.5 Michigan, south,  68,309  37.0 Colorado,  21,160  36.3 Essex County, west,  15,935  36.1 Southwestern,  176,141  35.5 Ohio, south,  119,884  35.0 Essex County, east,  52,146  34.5 Kentucky,  4,305  33.3 Washington, west,  18,778  33.3 North Carolina,  4,170  33.1 Vermont,  6,539  32.4 Pennsylvania,  246,150  30.6 Maine,  47,347  29.9 Wyoming,  1,960  28.4 Atlanta,  2,111  27.8 New Hampshire,  26,082  27.4 Pacific coast,  111,108  27.0 Middlesex County,  20,687  26.5 Massachusetts Central,  12,775  26.1 Oregon,  18,115  25.5 New Mexico and Arizona,  7,265  25.3 South Carolina,  4,220  25.1 Mississippi,  2,585  25.0 Iowa,  31,456  22.3 Ontario,  4,390  22.1 Tennessee,  5,345  18.9 Idaho,  1,025  17.7 China,  3,796  16.5 Japan,  13,035  15.1 Georgia and Florida,  6,587  13.3 Indiana,  18,075  13.3 Barnstable County,  1,250  12.4 Foreign,  18,489  11.8 Maritime Provinces,  908  11.3 France,  32,390  10.2 Great Britain,  7,861  9.9 Alabania,  4,070  9.9 Texas,  2,417  9.0 Australia,  5,000  4.0 Total,  $12,150,458
