The order of Commencement exercises is as follows:
Sheriff of Middlesex County, John R. Fairbairn, calls meeting to order.
Prayer by chairman of Board of College Preachers, Dr. Edward C. Moore.
Music by the University Choir. "Periti Antem Fulgebunt," Mendelssohn.
University Marshal Dr. John Warren reads title of first Commencement part. When this is finished he reads the second and so on to the end.
Music by the University Choir. "Adoramus Te," Palestrina.
When the parts are ended the University Marshal requests the Deans of the various departments to present their candidates, and summons the candidates to come forward in the following order:
1. Candidates for the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in Harvard College.
2. Candidates for the degree of Master of Arts.
3. Candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
4. Candidates for the several degrees in the Engineering School.
5. Candidates for Masters' and Doctors' degrees in the Bussey Institution.
6. Candidates for Master's degree in Architecture and Landscape Architecture.
7. Candidates for the degree of Master in Business Administration.
8. Candidates for the degree of Doctor of Dental Medicine.
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