
1923 Baseball Numerals Awarded

As the result of playing in the contest with Yale on Monday the following 15 members of the Freshman baseball team and manager will be awarded numerals with the approval of the Student Council and the Athletic Committee: Duncan Forbes Thayer of Lancaster, captain; James Anasias of Lowell; John Chandler Bancroft of Hnaea N. Y.; Charles Chauncey Buell of Hartford, Ct.; Paul Warren Butman of Brookline; Joseph Sill Clark Jr, of Chestnut Hill, Pay Raymond Henry Keegan of Springfield; Charles Carroll Lee of New York, N. Y.; Kenneth Boyd Lucas of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Stanley John Gregory Nowak of Chicoped Falls; Thomas Fletcher Oakes of New York, N. Y.; George Owen Jr. of Newton; Frederic Welsey Pratt of Jabes Curry Watson Jr. of New York, N. Y.; Robert Worthington of Dedhain, and Clifton Powell Fordyee of Little Rock, Ark., manager.
