

4-2 Score of Game--Brown in Lead After Big Third Inning

In a fast contest played yesterday afternoon at Providence, the Brown University baseball team defeated Yale 4-2. Although the Brunonians were in the lead for the rest of the game after the third inning the Elis put up a stout resistance.

After the New Havenites had started the ball rolling in the second inning, with one run, Brown followed with a snappy rally in the third, when three tallies were chalked up for the home team. The lucky seventh produced only one run, recorded for the Brunonians.

The batteries were as follows: Yale, Kelley and Calhoun, Coxe and Peters; Brown, Knight and Haddleton.

Although Yale had defeated Princeton in one leg of its series with the Tigers, while the University lost to them, comparative scores of Harvard and Yale against Brown seem to favor the Crimson, which has twice conquered the Brunonians.
