Alexander Edgar Kirk '20 of Chicago, Illinois, University baseball manager, was appointed assistant graduate treasurer of the Athletic Association. He is replacing in this position Dr. Paul Withington '09, who recently resigned. Dr. Withington has held this office for several years, the war having interrupted his service in the H. A. A.
The resignation of Dr. Charles Whelan, former supervisory track coach at the University, was accepted at a meeting of the Athletic Committee held Monday evening. In addition, the elections of Dennis Francis O'Connell Jr. '21 of Dorchester as track captain for 1921, of Leon Auzias de Turenne '21 of Seattle, Wash., as tennis captain for 1921, and of Clinton Leslie '21 of East Northfield as lacrosse captain for 1921, were approved.
Insignia for seven teams was also awarded, including University and Freshman golf and tennis, second team and 1923 baseball, and the Freshman rifle team. It was voted that no Freshman be allowed to play on the University golf team during the summer after the completion of their first year in College.
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