The University of Pennsylvania expects to place at least six men on the team that is to represent the United States in the 1920 Olympic games. Nearly every man on their team will be entered in the tryouts for the Eastern division, which will be held at Franklin field on June 26.
One of Penn's best entries is Earl Eby, intercollegiate half-mile champion; he will probably concentrate in the half-mile, though he may also enter the quarter. He won the former event in the intercollegiate meet in one minute 58 seconds, and has clipped nearly four seconds off that time this year. L. A. Brown is another strong contestant for the half-mile run; although he finished only fifth in the intercollegiates, he made the distance in one minute 56-2-5 seconds in the preliminary heat the day before. Robert Maxam is a fast quarter-miler and is expected to clip a little off 48 seconds in this event.
Sherman Landers, winner of the running broad-jump, will probably not enter that event but will concentrate his energies on the running hop skip and jump, in which he has shown great efficiency. He may also try for the running broad jump. Fred Davis, a jumper and sprinter, will probably try for either the running hop, step and jump or the broad-jump. Harold Leber, a freshman, was not eligible for the intercollegiates, but is a sprinter of great promise. He has repeatedly done the hundred-yard dash in 10 seconds, and has done better than 22 feet in the broad-jump.
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