Camp Devens easily cleaned up in the Northeastern Department Olympic trials, held Saturday in the Stadium. The men from Ayer, with a total of 69 points to their credit, far outdistanced all comers, their nearest rivals being the Coast Defences of Boston, who scored but 29 points, Ethan Allen, Narragansett Bay and Portland finished third, fourth and fifth respectively.
The individual stars of the meet were G. O. Woodruff and Charles Storck of the Devens team, the former winning three of the field events, and the latter taking first place in both sprint events. These two men, together with the members of the Devens 8000-metre relay team; W. Lynch and E. Lea of Boston, stars in the 56-pound weight throw; Carl Johnson of Fort Ethan Allen, winner of the 400-metre run, and W. E. Gionet, Pentathlon star from Boston, were chosen by the selection committee of the Army Athletic Board to go to Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, for further training under Coach Kanaly, recently of M. I. T., in preparation for the final army Olympic trials.
The most exciting race of the afternoon developed between Private Patrick McGann and Lieutenant Shum, both of Camp Devens, in the 1500-metre run. Running lock step most of the distance, the pair reached the back stretch together. McGann, who had the pole, gained a few yards on the last corner, but Shum managed to uncork a last-minute sprint that brought him almost even with the private. The judges, after a considerable amount of discussion, awarded the race to McGann.
The meet opened with a military parade, in which Major-General Edwards, commander of the Northeastern Department. Brigadier-General Ruckman and other prominent officers took part. Details from nearby Coast Artillery Corps Stations were present also.
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