
Gov. Coolidge on the H. C. of L.

"What we need at the present time is more production, in accord with the inexorable law of supply and demand. Our great need now is for more of everything for everybody. It is not money that the nation or the world needs today, but the products of labor. All of us must work and in that work there should be no interruption. Talents and opportunity exist in abundance.

"No progress will be made by shouting Bolsheviki and profiteers. What we need is thrift and industry. Profitable employment is the death blow to Bolshevism and abundant production is disaster to the profiteer."

When asked as to the particular role and opportunities of college trained men, Governor Coolidge said:

"College men should take the part of men of intelligence and culture. The discontent in modern industry is the result of a too narrow outlook. A more liberal culture will reveal the importance and the nobility of the work of the world. It is far from enough to teach our citizens a vocation. Our industrial system will break down unless it is harmonized. There is greater need for a liberal culture that will develop the whole man in the whole body of our citizenship. The day when a college education will be the portion of all may not be so far distant as it seems."
