NEW HAVEN, CONN., May 31, 1920.--In a fast contest, featured by heavy hitting and heavy scoring, the University second baseball team this afternoon snowed the Eli scrubs under, 18 to 8. As in the Freshman contest, the seventh was the big inning, when eight runs by the University seconds broke Yale's 5-4 lead. With the bases crowded on an error, a hit and a pass, and with none out, J. Martin '22 and C. J. Mason '22 singled, and E. H. Stillman '21 cleared the sacks with a home run. W. Roos Occ. then passed, E. S. Russell Occ. hit, and both scored on a long hit by J. G. Allen '22. In each of the first two innings an infield error on the first man up paved the way for a Yale score. With J. Martin on first. Mason evened up the score by a homer in the second frame. In the fifth inning four Eli singles produced three runs. The ninth inning was featured by five hits, J. Martin and Roos each knocking in two runs, the latter with a husky double.
Batteries: Russell, Newton and Stillman; Sloane and Keenan.
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