


HARVARD.  VIRGINIA. Lincoln, 3b.  s.s., Burnett Emmons, 2b.  3h., D. Kuyk Conlon, s.s.  r.f., Moran Perkins, c.f.  l.f., Pettaway Frothingham, l.f.  c., G. Kuyk Bigelow, 1b.  c.f., Mahood Hallock, r.f.  2b., Dunn Gammack, c.  1b., Baughman Goode, Hardell, p.  p., Harrison, Taylor

The battle for supremacy which the tie game between the Crimson and the University of Virginia left undecided during the former's southern baseball trip, will be continued this afternoon, when the two nines clash on Soldiers Field at 3 o'clock. The Southerners, classed as one of the most powerful baseball outfits on the collegiate diamond, will offer the University the strongest opposition that they have had to face since meeting the University of Pennsylvania. Virginia, besides already having tied Harvard in one game, has beaten Yale twice and Princeton once.

Moran and Burnett are the most effective of the Virginia batters, although Pettaway, the big left-fielder, has a swing which is good for a home run when it connects. Either Harrison or Taylor will start on the mound today for the visitors. The former, although tired by the pitching duel which he fought out with Kelly at Yale on Thursday, is new to the University batters; Taylor, on the other hand, who pitched in the first game, has an out curve which the University batters were beginning to get on to before the game was called. Virginia's infield is fast and comparatively steady, with its greatest defensive strength in Burnett, the speedy little shortstop, and in Baughman, the first baseman, who, although lacking in reach, makes up for it by his peg and accuracy.

Goode Most Likely Pitcher.

E. F. Goode '22 will probably open the game for the Crimson. His work against Cornell, when he held the Ithacans to two hits, and the improvement he has since shown in practice, make him the logical choice. He has demonstrated that his slow curve, which has an effective change of pace, is now well under control. E. S. Hardell '21, who had little opportunity to do more than warm up in the Dartmouth game, will be held in reserve.
