Henry Hardwick Faxon '21, of Quincy; George Storer Baldwin, Jr., '21, of Chestnut Hill, and Robert Minturn Sedgwick '21, of Cambridge, were nominated for the Vice-Presidency of the Union next year at a meeting of the Student Council held last evening. The Vice-President will be elected by all the undergraduates of Harvard College at an election to be held from 8 to 6 on Wednesday. The polls will be at Memorial Hall, the Crimson Building, Standish Hall, the Union, and other places to be announced later.
The Student Council also made the following nominations for the Undergraduate Union Committee; Hermon Dunlap Smith '21, of Chicago, Ill.; Robert Lawrence Finley '21, of Albany, N. Y.; Thomas Redmond Thayer '21, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Henry Russell Atkinson '21, of Brookline; John Archibald Sessions '21, of Northampton; Roy Edward Larsen '21, of Brookline; Myles Pierce Baker '22, of Cambridge; Richard Robertson Higgins '22, of Winchester; Vinton Chapin '23, of Boston, and Bertram Kimball Little '23, of Salem. The election of this committee will be open only to members of the Union, and will be conducted by a postcard ballot. The postcards will be mailed beginning Wednesday, and members will be given 10 days in which to return them. Three men will be elected from the Junior class, one from the Sophomore, and one from the Freshman.
Additional nominations for the Vice-Presidency and the Undergraduate Committee may be made by submitting petitions to D. M. Little '18 at the Union on Tuesday before noon. Petitions for nominations for the Vice-Presidency must be signed by 35 undergraduates, while nominations for the committee must be signed by 25 members of the Union.
The reason for the distinction made in eligibility to vote in the two elections is that the Vice-President represents the Union as a University body, while the Undergraduate Committee represents the wishes of the members in the conduct of the Union. Each member of the Undergraduate Committee will be in charge of one of the following departments of the Union; restaurant, pool and billiards, entertainment, house, and membership. Each of the five men elected will be assigned to a particular department to be decided on by the Graduate Manager and Vice-President in conjunction with the Governing Board.
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