
Glee Club Concludes Season May 27

As a climax to the most successful season in its entire history, the Harvard Glee Club, assisted by the Radcliffe Choral Society and the Pierian Sodality, will give the third and last concert of its series of Sanders Theatre presentations on Thursday, May 27, at 8 o'clock. Last fall, with the assistance of Hazel L'Africain, soloist, the series was inaugurated with a notable concert, which was followed a few weeks ago by an equally well received concert with Harrison Kellar, violinist.

The concert on May 27 is the first one in which the Glee Club as a whole has participated with the Radcliffe Choral Society, and also the first in which the Pierian Sodality has ever taken part. The major part of the pieces on the program are songs by the mixed chorus of the two societies. Tickets at $1.50, $1 and 75 cents may be obtained at 11 Apthorp House. Since half of the House is already sold out the management advisers early buying of seats.
