Six athletes are leaving the University this afternoon on the 1 o'clock train to compete in the I. C. A. A. A. A. meet at Philadelphia tomorrow and Saturday. The men selected to represent the University are Captain D. F. O'Connell '21, B. Lewis '20, E. O. Gourdin '21, R. W. Harwood '20, C. A. Clark Occ. and W. H. Goodwin '20. Beside the trackmen, Coaches Donovan and Farrell will make the trip and be in general charge of the University delegation.
On Friday afternoon the trials take place, to decide the entrants for the finals, which are scheduled for Saturday.
The strongest University competitor is Harwood in the pole-vault, an event in which he won the only first place gained by the Crimson in the Yale dual meet this year. If his sprained ankle is sufficiently recovered to enable him to compete, Captain O'Connell will be one of the foremost entrants in the mile race. Gourdin is a fast sprinter, who should place in the 100 and 220-yard dashes. He is also entered in the broad-jump. In the two-mile run, Lewis has shown, consistent point-winning ability, and broke the tape in the Technology meet this spring. The Crimson has a powerful shot-putter in Clark, who has placed in almost every meet of the year, and was one of the few point-winners in the Princeton.
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