
List of Subscribers to Fund Revised--Rhode Island Second

The list of subscribers to the Harvard Endowment Fund and the amount of their subscriptions have been subjected recently to a searching winnowing process with the result that many duplications have been found. The loss, however, was comparatively small considering the large amount handled and the number of the divisions.

The steady increase in enrollment and contributions for the Harvard Endowment Fund in the Rhode Island district, under the leadership of W. G. Roekler Jr. has been one of the recent features of the campaign in New England. The Rhode Island alumni, now 60 percent enrolled, have raised $102,103, which is next to Boston in being the largest sum contributed by any New England district, having passed the Bristol County district three weeks ago. Daily subscriptions to the Boston portion of the fund continue.

The fund total at the present time is $12,146,788.
