

Works of Tennyson, Elizabeth and Robert Browning Shown in Widener

In the Widener Room of the Widener Memorial Library there is now on view for a fortnight an interesting exhibit of first editions, manuscripts and autograph letters of Alfred Tennyson and Elizabeth and Robert Browning. Included in the Tennyson cases are an autograph copy of the first proof-sheets of "Gareth and Lynett," with many corrections by the poet, a first edition of the "Holy Grail," with 50 lines of original manuscript, a first edition of "Enoch Arden," and the original manuscript of "The charge of the Light Brigade."

Among the rare pieces by Robert Browning are the proof-sheets of "Bolls and Pomegranates," with numerous corrections and changes in the author's handwriting, and a similar edition of "Ferishtah's Fancies," and one of the first issues of "Pauline." The original manuscript and earliest printed issue of "Helen's Tower" completes the Browning collection. Mrs. Browning is represented by a rare first edition of "The Battle of Marathon" and "Sonnets From the Portuguese." There is also on exhibition an autographed letter of Tennyson.
