

Freshman Class Will Give Bookcase for Trophies--$3,328.27 Now in Treasury

Final plans for the Freshman Jubilee, which will be held on Wednesday, June 2, were announced by the chairman, R. G. Hooker Jr., at the last 1923 smoker of the year, held last night at the Union. The festivities, which are to be informal, will open at 5.30 o'clock. In addition to those songs already announced, which will be sung by the separate dormitories, the following selections will be offered by the combined choruses: Upidee, Prayer of Thanksgiving, Infantry Marching Song, Artillery Marching Song and Fair Harvard.

It is expected that the 1923 Red Book will appear on the day of the Jubilee, at least in a limited edition. All Freshmen are urged to order the volume now at the publication price of $2.50.

As its gift to future students of the University, the 1923 class has decided to present a handsome solid wood panel bookcase with glass shelves to hold foot balls and other trophies won by Freshmen in athletic contests, which will be installed in the Smith Halls Common Room.

The statement of the class finances, as announced by B. de L. Nash, the treasurer, showed a balance of $3,328.37 in cash now in the treasury. The receipts for the class so far have been $3,814.50, with expenditures for the first smoker, the trophy case and other incidentals making a total of $486.13. As yet no receipts have been received from the Red Book or the Musical Clubs, while on the other hand there are numerous items which are not yet paid for.

F. K. Bullard, president of the Senior class, spoke for a short time at the meeting last night and asked for more money to help defray the expenses of the Senior Picnic. In response the Freshmen gave enough money to insure the financial success of the picnic.
