

L. P. Jones Makes Circuit on One Wallop Twice; Russell Holds School-boys to 4 Hits.

In a fast game featured by heavy hitting on the Crimson side, the second University baseball team overwhelmed Middlesex 10-4 yesterday afternoon at Concord. The Crimson stick-wielders hit the opposing twirler, Atwater, at will, pulling down 12 hits, most of them doubles, and two homers, and failed to score on only one of them. W. S. Russell, the scrub pitcher, held the Concord nine for four hits.

The fun began in the fifth inning, when a base on balls, singles by W. J. Bones '22, Captain L. P. Jones '20 and Russell, and a double by J. DeC. Scott '22 brought in four tallies for the Crimson. In the lucky seventh only two runs were scored. Beginning with a double by S. B. Chase '22, the frame was full of excitement. Captain Jones knocked out a long home run, and his example was followed by E. H. Stillman '21, with a heavy hit that netted him three bases. The runaway was temporarily halted by a high fly of Roos ocC.

In the last inning Jones repeated his spectacular performance, following singles by Chase and Banes with a powerful slam that kept the outfield busy while he tore around the bases and back to port.

The Middlesex' players scored their four runs on less sensational plays, distributing them through three innings and smashing out nothing but four singles, on all of which they realized gains.

Captain Jones, with five times up at bat, two home runs and two singles, beside a narrow out, was the heaviest hitter of the day.
