The day of the big shift has come at last, and our Beau Brummels announce that it is up to each and every one to lay aside the friendly, battered old felt headgear for its lighter and more modish cousin, the "boater." But for many the change presents difficulties. With prices soaring even higher than a "straw" in a heavy gale, and with rueful memory of the fact that Max received the hat of yester-year in return for necessary movie fare last autumn, what is there left for the woeful student to do?
The track men are in luck, for they at least can beat down our much flaunted enemy, H. C. L., by showing the Blue runners the way to the tape in the games this afternoon, and thus cornering the straw market at the "Coop." Meanwhile the proletariat in the cheering sections can only jingle loose pennies in the pockets of their ulsters, well-worn by frequent use in the last few weeks, and find paltry satisfaction in the alibi supplied by the Weather Man.
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