At the semi-annual elections held by the Glee Club, the following were made officers for 1920-21: President, J. F. Lautner '21; Vice-President, Gerould Henderson '21; Secretary, L. R. Ring '22; Librarian, R. P. Cutler '22; Manager, Hamilton MacFadden '21; Asst. Manager, A. R. Duane '22.
The office of Vice-President is a new one, created with a view toward securing greater co-operation in the various activities of the club. The Vice-President will be chairman of the general committee, comprising representatives from the various sub-committees, as the social committee and the committee on college singing. Men who have sung with the club for two half-seasons are eligible for election as regular members. The following were elected:
C. D. Whidden Unc., A. French '21, R A. Lyon '22, J. G. Swift '22, V. G. Thompson Unc., M. G. Adam '22, J. Q. T. Ford 1L, J. N. White '21, J. R. Bell '21, S. Wadsworth '21, J. W. Laird '22, O. J. Teegen '22, N. W. Wood '22, S. Fisher Unc., K. R. Groener '20.
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