
Change the Other Dates.


(The Crimson invites all men in the University to submit signed communications of timely interest. It assumes no responsibility, however, for sentiments expressed under this head and reserves the right to exclude any whose publication would be palpably inappropriate.)

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:-

With references to the editorial suggestion in yesterday's paper that the date of the East-West debate be changed may I suggest that it would be impossible to change the debate at this time. For many weeks it has been publicly announced that the debate will take place on May 21. Tickets for this date, have been sold to the public and student body; Presiding officers and judges have been secured for the 21st, and furthermore it will be impossible for the Washington team to debate us at any other time. To change the debate at this time would so seriously disarrange matters as to threaten the success of the entire affair.

However the debating managers are heartily in favor of changing dates. It is strange that the editors of the Crimson should have thought first of changing the debate. Surely the better plan would be to change the Senior Picnic and the Freshman Dance which only involves students and do not affect the larger public which it would be impossible to reach with notices at this time. We recommend this plan to the various officers connected with these two functions. There is no doubt that this plan would be the more feasible. B. ULIN, Mgr. Debating.
