

Announce Spaces for Fifteen Groups--Regulations Concerning Caterers.

The Class, Day Committee announces the following allotments of spaces for Yard Spreads on Glass Day, June 22:

Alpha Sigma Phi. rear of South Matthews: Phillips Brooks House, South of Phillips Brooke House; Junto Club, North of Robinson Hall; Alpha Phi Sigma, West of Fogg Museum; private spread (G. M. P. Batchelder), rear of Bollis; Kappa Sigma, South of Massachusetts; K. G. N. Club, rear of Holworthy; Phi Kappa Epsilon, South section of Dane Rall triangle; Pi Eta, Hemenway Gymuasium; private spread ( W. E. Harris), East of Fogg Museum; Sigma Alpha Mu, South of Robinson Hall; private spread (S. Rotenberg), North section of Dane Hall triangle; Zeta Beta Tau, between Weld and Boylston; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Wadsworth House lawn; Phi Beta Kappa, East of Phillips Brooks House; private spread (T. G. Holcombe). North of Bolden Chapel.

All spread chairmen are requested to inform their caterers that nothing can be moved to or from the spread spaces between the hours of 2 and 11 P. M. on Class Day.


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