

Matthews Brought Up From Second Shell to Take Place of N. Ohi at Stroke.

Radical changes were made in the line-up of the first Freshman crew yesterday afternoon, when two men were brought up from the third boat to the first, and two from the second to the first. There were two shifts in the second 1923 eight, and two in the third. E. S. Matthews '23 is now stroking the first boat, taking the place of E. N. Ohl '23, who is now in the position of stroke in the second eight. Matthews was formerly rowing in the second shell. E. R. Habicht '23 replaced P. B. Kunhardt '23 at 7, while Kunhardt was moved to 5 to the old seat of F. Fiske '23. The latter was also moved back, taking number 3 in place of J. J. Collier '23, who was moved to 7 on the third crew. C. K. Cummings '23, who has been rowing on crew three, is now rowing at 6 on the first eight in place of H. S. Morgan '23, who is now at 4 in the same boat, displacing M. W. Self '23, the latter being moved to 6 in the third shell. There was one other change, H. Garland '23 replacing L. W. Rathbun '23 at bow; Rathbun is now rowing bow on the third crew.

The new line-ups are as follows:

Freshman 1.--Bow, Garland; 2, Bradford; 3, Fiske; 4, Morgan; 5, Kunhardt; 6, Cummings; 7, Habicht; stroke, Matthews; coxswain, Badger.

Freshman 2.--Bow, Tucker; 2, Westengard; 3, Rathbun; 4, Thayer; 5, Huiskamp; 6, J. Wood; 7, W. B. Wood; stroke, Ohl; coxswain, Lanman.

Freshman 3.--Bow, Collier; 2, W. O. Clark; 3, Perkins; 4, Fuller; 5, Flather; 6, Self; 7, Collier; stroke, Brander; coxswain, Little.
