In a special article in another column of today's CRIMSON, Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, presents with clearness and force the reasons for the workingman's desire that the Versailles treaty be ratified. The ridiculous assertion of Senator Borah and the other Irreconcilables that only the "international bankers" would be benefited by a world league of nations has never been more unanswerably refuted than by Mr. Gompers's sane arguments.
Not only do the labor interests "feel that our nation can not with honor and humanity maintain a policy of isolation and disinterestedness," but they urge that America accept the treaty because of the sound progressiveness of its labor provisions. If the United States ratifies the treaty, through its approval of these labor clauses--all of them forward-looking but none radical--the standard of the workers' condition throughout the whole world will be improved and stabilized.
Samuel Gompers's article is significant as representing the sentiment of millions of workingmen and is indicative of the hope held by an overwhelming majority of American people that, when the pernicious peace resolution now before Congress is defeated, the President will resubmit the treaty to the Senate.
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