

Stop the Bonus.

(The Crimson invites all men in the University to submit signed communications of timely interest. It assumes no responsibility, however, for sentiments expressed under this head and reserves the right to exclude any whose publication would be palpably inappropriate.)

To the Editors of he CRIMSON:

The new bill giving every discharged service man a bonus has come out of the committee in the House of Representatives approved. If the bonus is paid there will be no benefit of real value to the country, and the harm done will be of the worst possible nature. Taxes to raise over a billion and a half, will increase the great burden the country is already bearing. The wholesale distribution of large sums will seriously hinder the production of national wealth, our greatest need at present. While the real sufferers, men who are partially or totally disabled, will be no better off than they are now, shamefully neglected either through gross mismanagement, or through thoughtless ingratitude.

We suggest that every ex-service man in the University write to his Congressman and forcefully protest against this political outrage, suggesting at the same time that those who can't work be given a fighting chance to earn a living at the country's expense. A. GARDNER 1L   W. S. CARLISLE 1L   HOWARD BOOKER 1L
