
What is Going on Today

9.00-Applications for Apley Court, Claverly Hall, and Westmorly Court are ready at Bursar's office and University

4.00-"Resume of the Revenue Problem" Lecture X on Rate Regulation by Mr. Edgar J. Rich, counsel for the Associated Industries of Massachusetts. Lawrence 7.

4.00-Faculty of the Engineering School. Meeting in the Faculty Room, University Hall.

4.30-Trials for University vs. Washington debate, Harvard 5.

4.30-Dramatic Club. Reading of spring play, "The Governor's Daughter." Phillips Brooks House."


5.00-"A Review of Nernst's Book on his Heat Theorem." Professor Bridgman. Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 3.

8.00-Cosmopolitan Club Dance at the Union.

8.00-Catholic Club Ball at the Copley Plaza Hotel.

8.00-"The Nature of the Economic Order." Professor Walton H. Hamilton of Amherst College. Common Room Conant Hall.
