

Eaton, Hoskins and Blatt Selected to Manage 1923 Teams

Six speakers and three alternates have been selected from the Freshman debating squad to compete in the annual triangular debate with Yale and Princeton to be held simultaneously in Princeton, New Haven, and Cambridge, tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. W. L. Smyser, J. C. Hover, and P. R. Harmel, speakers, and S. L. Tait, alternate will make the trip to Princeton. The team debating the Yale Freshmen in Sanders Theatre will consist of I. Rosenbloom, J. M. Wyman, H. J. Friendly, speakers, and G. B. Lowrie and G. Stevens, alternates.

Prohibition of strikes in essential industries has been chosen as the subject for this debate, the Freshmen upholding the affirmative against the Princeton yearlings at Princeton and the negative against the Yale affirmative in Sanders Theatre.

At the close of a two-weeks' competition, three managers have been chosen. John Edgar Eaton, Jr., '23, of West Roxbury has been selected Freshman manager and will accompany the men to Princeton. Robert Walter Hoskins '23 of Hartford, Conn., and Albert Harold Blatt '23 of Oklahoma City, Okla., were chosen first and second assistant managers respectively and will manage the Cambridge debate.
