
University Press Will Publish "Journal of Industrial Hygiene"

The Harvard University Press has recently taken over for publication the "Journal of Industrial Hygiene." The journal was founded in May, 1918, when the University Medical School received a fund for the establishment of courses and for the prosecution of research in problems of industrial health. This fund was placed in the hands of a committee consisting of Dr. Frederick C. Shattuck '68, Dr. David L. Edsall, Dr. Milton J. Rosenau '14, Dr. Reid Hunt, and Dr. Cecil K. Drinker. The aim of the magazine is to satisfy the need of centralization of the literature dealing with problems of industrial hygiene and sanitation, accident prevention, medical and surgical treatment for industrial employees, compensation, insurance and mutual benefit associations, and reconstruction and vocational training of disabled workers. Articles of current interest by men distinguished for their work in various fields of industrial health are published each month, and are intended either to bring the field in question up to date or to report investigations which contribute entirely new information.
