
Seventh Organ Recital Tonight

The seventh organ recital in the series being given this year by Dr. Archibald T. Davison '06 of the Department of Music, will be given this evening at 8.15 o'clock in Appleton Chapel. The following program will be presented by Dr. Davison, assisted by Miss Marguerite Dorsey, soprano:

Fugue in G minor,  Bach Minuet,  Handel Allegro moderato,  Handel Allegro,  Handel From the "Water Music." Dr. Davison. "Come, Beloved,"  Handel Nina,  Pergolesi "Oh! Had I Jubal's Lyre,"  Handel Miss Dorsey. Pastorale,  Franck Minuet Gothique,  Boellman Chorale,  Vierne Dr. Davison. Moonlight,  Schuman Gavotte, from "Manon,"  Massenet "O,Si Les Fleurs Avaient des Veux,"  Massent The Nightingale,  Alabieff Miss Dorsey. Evening Harmonies,  Karg-Elert Finale,  Franck Dr. Davison.

The last recital in the series will be given on Tuesday evening, May 25, in Appleton Chapel.
