
1923 Holds Important Track Meet

A track meet in which all members of the Freshman track squad may participate is scheduled to be run off on Soldiers Field this afternoon. The primary purpose in view is the selection of men in all events to make up the yearling team which will meet Andover on the Academy's grounds on Saturday. Contests in the field events will start promptly at 2.15 o'clock and at 3 o'clock the running events will commence. At today's trials there will be chosen the first formal Freshman track team to represent the Crimson this year. A call has been sent out for 20 more candidates for the 1923 team; men for field events being particularly desired.

Election of a permanent captain to head the 1923 team will take place in the Common Room of Smith Halls today at 1.05 o'clock. All members of the squad will be eligible to vote.
