
Provide Outdoor Exercise for 1923

Since all indoor sports have now been discontinued, Freshmen will now be compelled to take up baseball, track, or tennis for their compulsory exercise. The courts at Soldiers Field have been reserved for the use of men in the Freshman class every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons. Swimming also can be elected by those who do not know how to swim, or cannot swim well, but this form of exercise for Freshmen is discouraged, in favor of outdoor activities.


Mr. Schrader of the Physical Training Department, will look after any men who report for track three afternoons a week, and, although a Freshman may not have time to go out every day in the week for baseball, he can take this form of exercise three afternoons a week, if he wishes to. There are also eight outdoor handball courts at the Freshman athletic building, for the use of any Freshmen who wish to elect this sport. This announcement was made yesterday by Mr. Geer.
