

Glee Club Entertainment at 5.30 Will Precede Supper and Dance--Announce Ushers

Preparations for the Freshman Jubilee, which is to be held on June 2, are now making fast progress and a tentative schedule for the day's events has been given out The list of ushers for the dance has been announced as follows: Head Ushers--V. Chapin and R. G. Hooker, Jr.; Ushers--C. C. Buell, Q. S. Cabot, M. Duane, F. Fiske, C. H. Hawes, J. T. Lanman, J. Larocque, C. C. Lee, H. S. Morgan, B. DeL Nash, E. Perkins, H. L. Pratt, J. R. Reynolds, D. F. Thayer, J. G. Winchester.

Immediately after vacation, Dr. A. T. Davison '06 will supervise all the dormitory song rehearsals and will begin work with the Freshman Glee Club.

Will Start at 5.30

The plan of the Jubilee, as now arranged by the committee of which R. G. Hooker, Jr. is chairman, provides that the program will start at 5.30 and continue until the dance concludes, about 1 o'clock. First, there is to be the entertainment by the Glee Club and possibly some individual specialties. Following this there will be a stand-up supper served in the Smith Hall Quadrangle and at 7.15 the inter-dormitory singing contest will be held. From 8.30 until 1 o'clock the dance will take place with music provided by Bert Lowe's new orchestra and Markels' from New York.
