

Seven Opposing Teams Slated to Give University Interesting Tour.

Tomorrow morning the University tennis team will board the train for Providence on the first leg of its Southern trip. Six well known club teams, in addition to the naval academy at Annapolis, will oppose the University on the courts. The players who have been selected to make the trop are Captain G. W. Helm '20, J. B. Fenno '21, C. H. Hyams 3rd '21, D. P. Robinson '20, W. W. Rowe '20, and L. A. deTurenne '21.

The first match is scheduled with the Agawam Hunt Club of Providence on Saturday afternoon. From Providence the team travels to Richmond, Va., where they will meet the Richmond Country Club, on Monday. On Tuesday at Norfolk, the University players will battle against the Country Club of trat city. At Annapolis on the following day they will oppose the plebes, and after the match will entrain for Chevy Chase, Md., for a match with the Chevy Chase Club, on Thursday. The following day, Friday April 23, at Baltimore, the team will vie with the Baltimore Country Club. The last match of the trip is to be played with the Philadelphia Country Club, at the Quaker City, on Saturday, April 24, after which the team will return to Cambridge, arriving there Sunday. In case of rain, the matches will be played on covered courts.

Though the team has been severely handicapped by the late spring, and has not been able to get in any outdoor practice, the men have been playing regularly in the indoor courts at Longwood. A well-balanced organization, especially strong in doubles has developed rapidly in the past few weeks of practice. Special emphasis has been laid on the formation of strong doubles Combinations. There are no brilliant individual stars on the team, which however, is steady and well balanced.
